The Lettuce Lake Footage

In early 2015 the YouTube Channel “BigfootEvidence” received an email from a person named Matt. M. The transcripted email is below:

"I was canoeing some of the swamps around Lettuce Lake Park and saw what I thought was a bear. I told a park ranger about it and she said that bears don’t generally get into the swamp and that there were never many sightings in general. I showed her the video and she said she didn’t know what it was. I saw the Fox13 story about the bigfoot a few weeks ago that mayor said Bob Buckhorn made a statement about and thought this might be related in some way. I never put much faith in the old skunk ape legends but when I looked closer I noticed that it had long, swinging arms and moved through very thick swamp with ease. Certainly can’t explain it myself. I didn’t get very close but I hope that this footage can be enlarged. -Matt"

The footage has been subject to much scrutiny since it was released with skeptics saying that its a person in a costume, while staunch believers say that its legitimate. Lettuce Lake Park is a 240 acre park just outside of Tampa, Florida. The habitat and the area are certainly conducive to an undiscovered primate playing hide and seek with the world.

I myself find it hard to tell one way or the other given the amount of trees and sticks obscuring the subject. If it is legit it would certainly inform us on how the Skunk Ape searches for food in the swamp, but if its not, then its a pretty good hoax.

Either way its difficult to tell. An argument for or against can be met with an equally strong argument from the opposing side. This is the unfortunate and yet too true reality of Sasquatch research and evidence collection.


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